Teledentistry Resources

Increase New Patient Acquisition Using Teledentistry

Written by Sample HubSpot User | Dec 10, 2020 12:59:56 AM

No doubt adding new patients to your practice boosts morale and deepens your practice’s value. And in this era innovative technology helps increase new patient acquisition using teledentistry.

The more channels patients have to access initial and ongoing care the better your success in acquiring…and retaining them. Teledentistry is especially valuable as an acquisition platform among a variety of patient-facing opportunities.

New patient acquisition that steps-away-from-the-crowd

It’s common for a dental practice (perhaps yours) to have a path for new patients to follow.

  • 1-The inquiry: typically available via a call-to-action website link such as, “Call now…,” or “Request an appointment here…” (link to a standard contact form)
  • 2-The back-and-forth: patients complete the form, make a phone call…leave a message…wait for a reply or call back…etc.
  • 3-The shop-around: ungratified patients will continue searching for the next-available provider and/or until they find the most gratifying, cost-effective…or easiest scheduling solution.

The problems with most new patient acquisition strategies is…

  • Too much patient effort is expended getting answers to their questions or scheduling their initial appointment
  • Too much team energy is invested in call-backs and follow-up that doesn’t efficiently lead to a scheduled appointment

A dedicated teledentistry platform can set you apart-from-the-crowd

You can achieve your goal of acquiring new patients and be more likely to experience practice growth.


New patient acquisition is a more patient-friendly, team-efficient strategy when using teledentistry.

An effective process for new patient acquisition using teledentistry

Create simple online visibility and accessibility for your teledentistry portal

Keep in mind that while teledentistry makes sense to you and your team - the general public remains unaware for the most part…until you inform them. The COVID-19 pandemic caused disruption to dentistry but it also created opportunity around more “touchless” approaches to healthcare - teledentistry among them!

Revise your dental practice website for easy teledentistry access

  • Add a dedicated teledentistry consultation “Schedule Now” button to your website
  • Create and share content via your dental practice blog that informs site visitors about teledentistry - how it works, why it’s secure, etc.
  • Provide site visitors the clear option to schedule an in-person appointment…or a teledentistry consultation
  • Allow patients to complete required health and pre-appointment forms, upload appointment relevant images, and securely chat in real-time with a team member

Re-tool your PM (Practice Management) platform for security and team efficiency around a teledentistry portal

  • Eliminate patient communication boundaries that are limited to in-person, phone, text, or email dialogue
  • Instill a virtual-also patient engagement mindset that revolves around your teledentistry portal for patient questions, fee conversations, etc
  • Utilize video technology that enables recording and archiving of pre-recorded case presentations to “pre-qualify” patients ahead of their virtual visit
  • Maximize available “chair-time” and cost savings on PPE using virtual consultations to help guide new patients to a pre-qualified treatment decision

Streamline your use of teledentistry for new patient acquisition with a secure, dedicated virtual communication platform

A dedicated teledentistry platform enables you to fully maximize your virtual patient interactions.

  • Creating easy-access communication with potential new patients
  • Improving patient care for all current and new patients

Teledentix is an innovative, turn-key teledentistry solution created by Virtual Dental Care. The all-in-one platform will enable you to adapt teledentistry to your patient care and extend your services beyond the walls of your dental practice…to new patients seeking a dentist.

The above mentioned platform tools are included with Teledentix:

  • Connectivity via a “Schedule/Book Now” button on your website with an option for an in-person appointment, a virtual appointment, or both
  • Patient-facing tools that include a portal for securely completing necessary forms, uploading images, and real-time chat with you/your team


The Teledentix platform is capable of helping you qualify patients early - ahead of a scheduled appointment. For example, a patient’s questions regarding Invisalign®, etc could be answered about procedural details, pricing, and more. This pre-qualifying perspective helps you/your team maximize time and resources.