Teledentistry Resources

Virtual (and Secure) Solutions are Transforming Dental CE, Study Groups, and Collaboration

Written by Sample HubSpot User | Apr 19, 2021 3:47:15 PM

You know that mantra - “when-life-gives-you-lemons…?” Well, that would definitely apply to CE, study groups, networking, and face-to-face collaboration starting in 2020. But the proverbial “lemonade-effect” has shifted all that to a virtual environment - that for many reasons - could be optimum.

No doubt, it is challenging during the COVID-19 era of dentistry for you, your team, and your colleagues to meet those required annual hours for professional development. Not the least of which was missing out on the professional collaboration you gain from being face-to-face at a dental study club or networking around a treatment protocol.

Re-boot required

The 2020 pandemic forced a reboot on how states regulate dental continuing education (CE). It also caused applicable regulations to be re-booted as well for how dental professionals accessed required development and related resources.

The information is there and ready for consumption. And that brings us to how it’s done.

State dental boards made necessary allowances and exemptions for how CE, for example, is experienced. Hours of in-person learning side-stepped the conference venues and annual conventions and opted for webinars and Zoom calls.

Welcome to your virtual-venue

CE, team training, professional development, networking with colleagues and more is now (more often than not) via virtual access or a live-stream broadcast.

There are a number of innovative uses for the virtual learning and networking environment (stay tuned). But a solid benefit is that essential information can now be shared with more personnel and from a reliable source.

  • Infection control protocols
  • Patient-facing protocols
  • Fee changes and coding
  • Emergency care protocols
  • Industry news
  • Policy changes

Content can be produced, linked, and shared across countless platforms, networks, practices, study groups, and other gatherings.

Online connectivity has achieved new levels of usefulness. And it’s not soon to disappear. In fact, innovation will drive fresh applications.

In-person conventions, training, networking, and CE likely won’t be replaced. But the convenience, security, and scalability of the virtual venue will continue to evolve as a viable option.

What you can expect from a virtual solution for CE, study clubs, and networking

You’ve perhaps become accustomed to these innovations as a result of the surge in teledentistry. The shift to a virtual environment has given patients and providers (like you) an option when face-to-face connection isn’t possible, convenient, or perceived safe.

Like the virtual evolution for CE and collaboration, a dedicated teledentistry platform will continue to increase your capacity to serve your patients.

Teledentistry has shown you what’s possible through a virtual environment. And the possibilities are opening up new learning and interactive venues.

Virtual connectivity helps eliminate schedule overwhelm

That training, conference, or study club topic looked great when you calendared it months ago. But now your practice schedule, family commitments, or a team “fire” to put out is making it all but impossible to justify the time, travel, and related cost investment.

The inundation-factor won’t soon go away. Such is life and that of a dental professional.

What can and will change is how you choose to invest your time in essential training or professional collaboration.

  • Access online CE, core-training, or webinars from the comfort and convenience of your office, home, preferred remote location.
  • Tend to the business-at-hand without sacrificing personal or professional growth.

Virtual training enables you to leverage the best available resources for yourself and your team

Online content and your immediate access to it gives you an opportunity to expose yourself and your team to 5-star resources. Today’s best trainers, online course producers, and industry leaders are shifting their influence to include the virtual space.

Everyone can be on the same page, hear the same content, and process it in real-time together in a single venue. Team unity, personal productivity, and colleague relationships can deepen without high-cost and the stress of travel or commuting.

  • Plan and cater virtual lunches or an after-hours gathering for your team, a study-club group, or selected colleagues
  • Access a webinar on a relevant industry topic and give your team access for timely viewing

Virtual collaboration improves your patient care standard and increases your influence

Online solutions expand you patient-facing options too. Like you, a patient’s schedule is at the mercy of their time margins. And the pandemic added a layer of caution to how they approach appointments with care providers.

Teledentistry platforms give you and your patients a secure, time-sensitive, convenient option for care access.

  • Real-time consultations on a secure, HIPAA compliant platform
  • Prescription renewals or treatment follow-up without a return trip to your clinic
  • Remote, secure access to patient data, health records, and images
  • Emergency treatment in-take and referral communication for a timely care response

The platform is also scalable to connect with your colleagues. Record sharing, consultations about a treatment protocol, and referral hand-offs can be conducted virtually using secure, dedicated teledentistry software technology.

If you’re seeing “virtually” limitless possibilities - you’re on-point! Again, welcome to the virtual venue and the first of many waves of innovation you can expect in the months and years to come.

A solution that’s now perfectly aligned with the future of teledentistry

Innovative teledentistry organizations see the technology platform as more than a passing trend. It’s another effective way to maximize virtual interactions that result in better patient care.

Access the following resources for more in-depth insights into how teledentistry is evolving as a patient-care solution:

Guide to a Teledentistry Consultation Network

Teledentistry: Where We Are Now and Where We are Going

The Teledentix platform aligns in scope with the innovators covered covered here.

  • Answer a patient’s treatment specific questions
  • Confirm procedural details, costs, insurance, and more
  • Maximize your production time and team energy